Program Survey and Reports

The Program Survey, formerly the “Annual Report,” is PAEA’s longest-running research endeavor. This annual survey collects information about program operations, program and student financial information, student and faculty characteristics, and much more. Program Survey completion is mandatory for all PAEA member programs.

PAEA has published the results of the Program Survey since 1984; reports are typically released in the fall of the year after data collection closes. The latest report, By the Numbers: Program Report 35, is based on responses to the 2019 Program Survey. You can view the survey instrument from previous years here.

We welcome your feedback via email to

Access Program Survey Data 

Data from the Program Survey are available to both members and non-members in multiple formats to support ARC self-study, evaluation, benchmarking, research, and scholarly work. Learn more about requesting raw data and custom reports as part of PAEA’s Data on Demand program

Program Report Tables & Figures

Looking for graphics to enhance a presentation about PA education? Members are welcome to take screenshots of tables and figures from our reports for use in presentations. Figures and tables are provided under a Creative Commons license that requires them to be attributed to PAEA, not altered, and not used for commercial purposes. Tables and figures must be attributed to PAEA and reference the report title and publication year.