The Faculty & Directors Survey collects information from PA faculty and directors on demographics, job satisfaction, roles and responsibilities, salary, and other factors important to inform the Association and its member programs about employment trends that may affect recruitment and retention, providing insight into the faculty workforce pipeline. This information was previously collected as part of the Program Survey. However, to improve the data’s validity and level of detail, PAEA now gathers the information directly from individual faculty, directors, and staff. The inaugural Faculty & Directors Survey was launched in 2014 and is administered every other year. Results from the Faculty & Directors Survey are reported the year following survey completion. You can view the survey instrument from this and previous years here.
Latest Report
Access Faculty & Directors Survey Data
Data from the Faculty & Directors Survey are available to both members and non-members in multiple formats to support ARC self-study, evaluation, benchmarking, research, and scholarly work. Learn more about requesting raw data and custom reports as part of PAEA’s Data on Demand program.
Faculty & Directors Report Tables & Figures
Looking for graphics to enhance a presentation about PA education? Members are welcome to take screenshots of tables and figures from our reports for use in presentations. Figures and tables are provided under a Creative Commons license that requires them to be attributed to PAEA, not altered, and not used for commercial purposes. Tables and figures must be attributed to PAEA and reference the report title and publication year.